
Part One
What is Emotional & Psychological Trauma?
Part Two
Part Three



It is highly important for people who suffered from emotional or psychological Trauma to find healing from their emotional hurt, feelings and emotions connected to the incident, memory recall, sleeplessness, nightmares, flashbacks, physical pains and much more. If a person do not find any help in the healing process it is highly probable that the negative effects of the trauma incident will surface again and again. This cycle if resurfacing can continue for many years or the rest of a person’s life and this will have a negative influence on the person’s life and the loved ones.



One of the methods we use in helping people recover from emotional & psychological trauma is called Trauma Incident Reduction. We assist people and provide for them a platform to process their trauma in a person centered and save way. The approach helps people relate to their trauma and help them to detach the negative emotions and feelings from the memory or event. This helps the individual to cognitively, emotionally and psychological remove themselves from the negative event and highlight the positive from such a negative event.


In short we help people to resolve their Trauma by:

  • Processing trauma related feelings and memories
  • Discharging pent-up “fight or Flight” energy
  • Providing methods on how to regulate strong emotions
  • Rebuilding or building healthy relationship after a trauma event
  • Restoring trust where trust was broken
  • Helping people to restore the normal level of function


Recovery Process

One of the most important things to remember is that the healing of trauma takes time. Time is an important aspect in the healing process especially after the death of a loved one because you need to give yourself the time to mourn the death of the person. The mourning process in very important to go through because it the part of the healing.


Self-help Tips in overcoming Trauma – Do not Isolate

After a Trauma Event, you may want to withdraw from family, friends, social events and more but isolating yourself makes it worse. You have to try and connect with people and work hard at your relationship even when it becomes difficult and avoid spending too much time with yourself.

Support is needed. Ask for help and support because you cannot do it yourself. It is healthy to relate to people and talk about your feelings. Support can come in the form of a friend, family member, children, and counsellor.

Join a support group if possible. It is therapy in in self when you listen to what other people went through it give you courage and hope to know that you also can be healed.

Reach out. There is a principle that I believe works and that is a Biblical one. “It is more rewarding to give than to receive”. At times you need to offer your help and help someone in need it brings great joy and peace of mind.

Self-help Tips in overcoming Trauma – Stay Grounded

Keep to your daily routine, like walking, exercising, sleeping and eating etc. It is important for most part to keep with you routine and remember to relax enough and get enough rest and sleep.

Manage Work load. It is crucial to understand that your energy levels will not be the same as before for some time. The trauma will drain you physically as well, so manage tasks by braking it up is segments and make it workable for you. Take it easy!!!

Allow your emotions to be. Allow yourself to cry and feel, do not keep your emotions in and try and be strong. Allow yourself to mourn and cry it is part of the healing process.


Grounding Exercise:

When you feel confused, disorientated or upset you can try the following exercise:

  • Find a chair to sit on and let your feet touch the ground and lean your back against the chair.
  • Observe your surroundings and pick 7 objects that contain the colours of red and blue. This should allow you to feel more present and grounded in your body and also be aware of your breathing becoming deeper and calmer.
  • You might even do this exercise outdoors. Find a calm place outside on the grass or ground, allow yourself to feel touching the surface and continue the breathing exercise.

Self-help tips in overcoming Trauma – Be healthy

  • Get enough rest and sleep
  • Exercise on a regular basis
  • Have a healthy diet plan
  • Have some meditation techniques in place
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs
  • Avoid stressful situations


In conclusion do not be too hard on yourself or the other person going through a difficult time. Do believe the three part article was helpful in understanding Emotional trauma.