What is Trauma Incident Reduction?

Traumatic Incident Reduction is one of a variety of techniques used by Facilitators working with clients (viewers) within the comprehensive subject called Applied Metapsychology. The TIR technique is very simple and straight forward.

The Trauma Incident Reduction is a tool one uses when you help people that have experienced Trauma or a major loss. This also includes People that suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and suffer from symptoms like flashbacks, recurring nightmares, irrational fears, hyper – vigilance (a super-enhanced automatic reaction to certain harmless stimuli as if they signalled danger), and emotional and social dysfunction. Combat veterans, molestation and rape survivors, and people who have survived any sort of severe loss or life-threatening trauma may suffer from PTSD.

Most people, though they do not qualify for a diagnosis of PTSD, may have losses, injuries, operations, Hi-Jacks or other traumas that are impacting the quality of their lives.

People who are aware of the traumatic events that affected them are the most obvious ones likely to benefit from TIR. However TIR can also be used very effectively with people who suffer from unwanted feelings, emotions, sensations, attitudes, or pains but are not necessarily aware of any specific traumas that could have caused them.

TIR is based on a method described in one of Freud’s early writings:

“What left the symptom behind was not always a single experience. On the contrary, the result was usually brought about by the convergence of several Traumas, and often by the repetition of a great number of similar ones. Thus it was necessary to produce the whole chain of pathogenic memories in chronological order, or rather in reversed order, the latest ones first and the earliest ones last; and it was quite impossible to jump over the later traumas in order to get back more quickly to the first, which was often the most potent one”

TIR techniques are aimed specifically to address the painful and persistent effects of known traumatic incidents. These are events that the viewer is aware of before he/she goes into viewing.
Past Traumas retain emotional charge and continue their adverse effect because they have never been fully examined. Like physical pain, emotional pain actually serves a useful purpose: it tells us that we need to pay attention to and do something about it.
TIR is simply a method of enabling people to examine such traumas systematically and completely. When a viewer has thoroughly completed an examination of past traumas, incidents examined no longer have the power to cause pain and suffering to the viewer.

Author: Gerrie Pretorius