Relationship Evaluation
How is your Relationship/Marriage Doing?

Listed Below is a list of attitudes and activities that produce healthy relationships. Rate yourselves on a scale of 1 (Low) to 10 (High).
*Make sure you rate each other!

1. Do I give myself unselfishly to my Relationship and partner?
M____ W____

2. Do we agree on the husband and wife role?
M____ W____

3. Do I always put my love over in action and gestures?
M____ W____

4. Do my communication build up my Spouse?
M____ W____

5. Does my response to conflict build up or break down my partner?
M____ W____

6. Do I always forgive my spouse when I am wronged?
M____ W____

7. Do we work toghether on our parenting skills?
M____ W____

8. Do I patiently accept my spouse as one who is not perfect?
M____ W____

9. Do we often evaluate our relationship and set realistic goals for improvement?
M____ W____

10. Do we strive and nurture loving relationships with our in-laws?
M____ W____

11. Am I able to control my anger/temper?
M____ W____

12. Do we spend time together doing what my partner enjoys doing?
M____ W____

13. Do I work hard to be an attractive and interesting Partner?
M____ W____

14. Do I work diligently to satisfy the romantic and sexual desires of my partner?
M____ W____

15. Do I make an effort to fulfil in my partners Emotional need and desires?
M____ W____
Purpose of this Exercise:

This exersice is to biuld up your relationship and to encourage positve behaviour.