Trauma Counselling Workshop Windhoek

Life Counsel provides an accredited Training Workshop

Trauma Counselling Workshop

Become Effective in Trauma Counselling

Trauma WorkshopLife Counsel is exited to announce that we are going to host Trauma Counselling Workshops/Course in Windhoek Namibia. Our Trauma Workshops offer professionals a great opportunity to up-skill oneself and become more effective in Trauma Work. Our Trauma Counselling Workshop/Course offers one the opportunity to become a Trauma Facilitator and a minimum requirement of having a sincere desire to help people. Our Trauma Workshop/Course is Internationally accredited and worldly renowned and forms part of the Applied Meta Psychology association. This Trauma Counselling Workshop/Course in Windhoek will enable you to become effective and have rapid and outstanding results with your clients. TIR will help you become confident and successful in addressing Trauma, Anxiety disorders, unwanted Stress, Depression, PTSD and other related symptoms.

Come and join our Trauma Workshops/Course in Windhoek and discover for yourself the power you can have in helping other people through their pain and hurt. Once you have mastered the Technique of TIR you will find even greater enjoyment and have amazing results.

About TIR

We offer Trauma Workshops in Windhoek whereby you can become  Internationally Qualified in Trauma Facilitation. Our Trauma workshops are a 4 Day workshop whereby you will be equipped with the skill to deal with Emotional Trauma. Trauma Incident Reduction will enable you to deal with any emotional trauma with confidence with positive and effective results. We work along side TIRA International to train trauma Facilitators in South Africa. Come and enrich yourself for the work of trauma and so make a difference in your practice and field of work.

Trauma Counselling Workshops in Windhoek / Namibia 2020








To Be Confirmed for 2020
09:00h – 16:00h

Windhoek (To be Confirmed)

Gerrie Pretorius: 079 731 6367 or

R4800 per Delegate / Deposit: R1600 (Early-Bird R300 Discount)

International Certificate / One Can Become a TIR Facilitator

Social Workers: 20 CPD Points (SACSSP) / Reformed Pastors: 30 CPD Points / Association of Supportive Counsellors & Holistic Practitioners (ASCHP) 18 CPD / AFM 28 CPD Points / CPSC 10 CPD Points

How can our Trauma Workshops benefit you:

Trauma Training

  • Internationally Certified by the TIRA Association
  • Become successful in Trauma facilitation
  • Start Your own Trauma Counselling Practice
  • Be Confident and Effective in Assisting in Emotional Trauma
  • Help your client with Traumatic Stress and Related Symptoms
  • Become Part of an International Body of Trauma Facilitators
  • *Become a Recognized Trauma Facilitator
  • *20 SACSSP Points for Social Workers
  • *30 VBO Points for Reformed Pastors

Who can Attend our Trauma Workshops:

  • Students
  • Social Workers
  • Dutch Reformed Ministers or Pastors
  • School Teachers
  • Nurses
  • Paramedics
  • Police officers
  • Counselors
  • Psychologists
  • Therapists
  • Life coaches
  • The Lay-Person
  • Any person furthering education in Trauma

We provide practical Trauma workshops – Embrace Life Embrace the Journey

Booking information

R600 PER HOUR MON-FRI 8:00H-17:30H SAT 8AM-12PM

Leave your details below to get started.

15 + 6 =

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We Can Assist You

Life Counsel provides Professional Services in Relationship Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Anxiety & Stress Management Trauma Workshops & Relationship Workshops.

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Trauma Incident Reduction

Trauma Incident Reduction

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