Corporate Trauma Counselling

Life Counselling provides Corporate Companies with Trauma Debriefings

Corporate Trauma Debriefings

trauma Group DebriefingsLife Counsel provides professional Corporate Trauma Debriefings and support for all companies and employees that face a traumatic event. Corporate Trauma Debriefings (Therapy) is normally performed in a situation where 4 or more people were involved in a traumatic event.

Life Counsel will debrief the group at the premises of choice. The group will be debriefed collectively and individually. Corporate companies have found the group debriefings very helpful. Corporate Trauma Debriefings include counselling of traumatic situations such as Armed Robberies, Employees held by gun point, Sexual Abuse/harassment , Horrific Accidents, Car Accidents, Hi-Jacking’s, Fatal Accidents, Natural Disasters, Death and more.

Traumatic situations very often, do not only affect the people that was directly involved, but also the people close for instance work colleges, employees, friends or family. Trauma counselling sessions can also help employees closely involved, friends or family deal with the traumatic situation at hand and give them the ability to support the individual that was directly affected.

Positive Outcomes of a Corporate Trauma Debriefings

Employee Wellness

  • Productive Staff Management
  • Employees are able to connect in a constructive way
  • Produces Better Team Work
  • Healthy and Constructive Communication can take place
  • Employees can show empathy towards one another
  • Employees can communicate their Emotions and Thoughts in a SAFE environment
  • Employees can walk away satisfied and relieved
  • Employees understand the process of Trauma and the healing thereof
  • Companies can understand the Employees needs
  • Companies Build TRUST with their employees by taking care
  • Investment in Staff produces Loyal Employees

Negative after Affects on Employees:

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Lack of Productivity at Work
  • Withdrawal from work collages
  • Lack of Creativity and Team Work
  • Emotionally Unstable
  • Irritable
  • Sleeplessness
  • Hopelessness
  • Eating disorders
  • Nightmares
  • Flashbacks
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Memory loss
  • Headaches/Migraines or muscle Pain
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Anger and…more

 Life Counsel can Assist Your Company with Effective Corporate Trauma Debriefings

Booking information

R600 PER HOUR MON-FRI 8:00H-17:30H SAT 8AM-12PM

Leave your details below to get started.

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We Can Assist You

Life Counsel provides Professional Services in Relationship Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Anxiety & Stress Management Trauma Workshops & Relationship Workshops.

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